Thursday, May 7, 2009

Naomi Annette

Wow has this week flown by. Monday I went in for my check up and left the office a little discouraged learning that I was only at a 3. The next day I had made some progress but not enough to send me into active labor. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling significantly different and told Alex that we were going to have Naomi that day. After waiting for about 3 1/2 hours at home we came into the hospital for the third time but this time they admitted me and started me on antibiotics because I tested positive for group B strep. When I was admitted I was still a 3 but they told me that I was very soft and they didn't want to chance sending me home this time. After being in the hospital for about 2 hours my midwife told me that she would rupture my water because she really didn't want to see me miserable for the next few days. I called my mom and told her what was going on and then an hour later around 10:25 we found out I was a 5 so I was definitely making progress so we knew this was the real thing. My midwife went ahead and ruptured my water bag but it didn't go as she had planned. She decided that she wanted me to get up and walk around and see if I can get Naomi's head to put a little pressure on my cervix so she can get the rupture she wanted but the minute I stood up I felt a shift and this put me into full swing. My water bad ended up completely rupturing so I went straight to the jacuzzi to labor in the water up until I needed to push since I was unable to do the water birth that I so desperately wanted for this birth. I had a water birth for Nathanael and was very pleased and honestly prefer this experience over anything but since the hospital can not perform water births here anymore I had to settle for laboring in the jacuzzi and then shifting to the bed when it was time to push. When I felt it was near time to push they moved me back to the bed and I learned I was a 9. At this point about an hour and a half had passed since my water breaking and then finally after 21 minutes of pushing our beautiful little girl made her appearance. By far this was the most difficult labor process I had ever done but the Lord gave me the strength to endure what I needed in order for me to complete this process.

As I sit here in silence watching this beautiful gift the Lord gives me I feel completely blessed. Because this has been the most difficult labor for me I have rested for most of the day and I am enjoying the fact that I have this time to rest in silence. I am doing well and the recovery process is definitely slow but we are making it. Naomi is a very mellow baby. She is also a very good eater and is latching on very well. She made her appearance at 12:22 pm and weighed in at 6 pounds .7 ounces. She was 19 1/2 inches long and her head was 13 inches. Although she was my biggest baby yet she is so tiny. I forgot how small babies are when they are first born. We will be in the hospital until tomorrow at least I believe but like I said we are just enjoying the quietness of just being together.

Thank you for all your prayers for us during this pregnancy and I can't wait to get some pictures of this beautiful baby girl up soon. As soon as I get some pictures up I will post them. I pray all of you have a wonderful day and will keep you updated on any further news that may come up.

In Christ,



Holly said...

Congratulations! I love the name ya'll chose! Hope you get lots of rest & I can't wait to see pictures!

Will & Abby's Life said...

Yay :) I love reading the birth story...Thanks for sharing, I'm so glad both of you are well and everything went great. Looking forward to seeing pics of her soon!

My doctor won't do water births either...

oh goodness, your baby is really that means mine will be here soon too and I won't be pregnant forever either...

Will & Abby's Life said...

oh, and who does she look like?? :)

Anonymous said...

She's here :) Congratulations!

Charity said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting :) I'm glad everything went well, Aleida.

leah said...

congratulations! I'm glad y'all are doing well, and I can't wait to see pictures!!