Saturday, May 23, 2009

A time of frustration

I feel so overwhelmed at this moment and really need prayer. Wednesday Alex's brother Mario passed away and went to be with the Lord. Although we knew it was coming it has still been something that has been a bit overwhelming. Alex left for Texas yesterday with his family and they should be there tomorrow night sometime which I will be happier knowing he made it there safely. Today I have been researching flights for him to come home and that has been hard because it is hard to determine when would be a good time for him to fly home and what can we really afford and that kind of thing. My sister stayed behind to help me manage three kiddos without losing my sanity as I try to rest some as well. So I have also been trying to look up flights for her too.

I am just ready to have a good cry and go to sleep for a few hours because none of us slept good last night with Alex leaving. The boys didn't get to say bye to him so they keep asking where daddy is and when he will be home. They don't understand time just yet. Thank you for listening to me vent a little during this frustrating time for me. I hope you are having a better day than I am today. I know tomorrow is a new day and things will get better and easier.

In Christ,


1 comment:

leah said...

yes, you're right, aleida. tomorrow is a new day and things will be better. "his mercies are new every morning," and I know that you must be clinging to God during this time of emotional instability and being so overwhelmed. i am so glad your sister is there to help you. Usually the first few weeks with a newborn fly by, so I hope this too will pass by quickly. Prayers are with you. wish I could help in a more tangible way... :)