Wednesday, November 19, 2008

10 Things Alex loves

1. He loves the Lord. My husband struggled with the fact that God loved him unconditionally for so long but he understands it now and is striving in every effort to be the man that God wants him to be.

2. He tells me he loves me and being married to me all the time so of course this one was a must to post.

3. He loves the sound of Isaiah stopping everything he is doing once he hear the front door open and Isaiah runs to the front door yelling, "Daddy" with wide open arms.

4. He loves that Nathanael stays where he is with arms held up because he wants daddy to hold him the minute he walks through a door.

5. He loves those moments where both boys are sitting on his lap and watching some TV show that he is watching usually it is news but he stops and watches the boys and his heart melts. He always whispers to me to watch them and he loves every moment with them.

6. He loves children. Believe it or not...most people would not believe it because it wasn't too long ago that when I was pregnant with Nathanael that he said he didn't want any more kids but the Lord has really changed his heart and he is always talking about how he wants a lot of kids and he can't wait till all of the kids are sitting on his laps and the sides of him with his arms around all of them.

7. He loves pizza. This man would eat pizza for every meal if I allowed it.

8. He loves Chinese food. This would be option two if pizza is not available.

9. He loves my apple spice cake. I like to try new recipes and one day I tried this dessert recipe and once he saw it was a cake he automatically said he wouldn't eat it because my husband does not like cake at all. He ended up giving in and trying it anyway and he is always asking for this cake now. I think I will make it for his birthday in 2 weeks.

10. He loves guns. He is always talking about different types of guns and I couldn't care less about it but I let him have his wants but his wants don't always meet the budget so he settles for talking about it. He did buy a gun last year and finally got to use it this past weekend when he went shooting with the guys. Shooting is what the guys like to do up here to pass the time since there is not much else to do.

I realize most of his loves have to do with family but it is because it is the truth. He tries to put on a face where he is tough but he really is a teddy bear inside.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yesterday I went in for my physical check up with my midwife and everything is going well. The family went but because they needed to do the physical the kids waited in the play area with Alex so Isaiah won't get scared. He is funny about the midwife touching my belly. At the last visit when she was trying to find the heartbeat he kept pointing and looking at Alex saying, "hurt Mommy". We kept telling him she isn't hurting mommy she is just trying to find the heartbeat of the baby so we figured for this kind of appointment everyone will just wait outside. We don't want to scare the kid too much. Haha. The midwife is happy that I put the weight back on and have officially started putting on weight. I have gained 1/2 pound during this pregnancy which is a great start. I told her that with Thanksgiving right around the corner I am sure I will put on another pound or two. We heard the heartbeat and the heartbeat was at 160. I am so relieved to hear the heartbeat loud and clear this time because in all honesty I was starting to not believe I was pregnant even though I have a protruding belly and morning sickness which is absolutely horrible. Everyone is noticing now that I am pregnant because of my belly but I have to remind most of the people who make a big deal about it (most of the people who make a big deal only have one child or is pregnant with their first child) that this is my third pregnancy so my body is already doing what it is supposed to do just at a faster pace because this isn't my first pregnancy. In a way it makes me upset because I am definitely hormonal and I just start having weight issues but my wonderful husband Alex has been doing a great job of telling me how beautiful I am. I don't know why I am struggling with body issues with this pregnancy but I am and I wish I could just enjoy completely the fact that my body is just doing what God designed it to do in order to bring another life into this world. I guess the reason I struggle is because I started all of my pregnancies overweight and although I have lost all the pregnancy weight before I have never been able to get any smaller than what I was before. I do realize that because of my weight I technically fall into the category where I can't gain the typical amount of weight that a woman is supposed to gain during a pregnancy but at the same time I have never stressed about it until now. This has to come during a time where we (Alex and I) have already agreed that we are going to make sure that I do everything possible to make sure we have a healthy baby because of both of my boys being so small at birth. The midwife told me yesterday our goal is to make sure this baby is over 6 pounds and she will be happy. She is going to make sure we start measuring the baby more often in order to make sure we are on track with this goal. My next appointment is 12/8/08 which happens to be Isaiah's third birthday so that should be a good day and hopefully we will see more good news. By the time December 8th comes around I should be between 18-19 weeks along so I am assuming she is going to schedule my sonogram for a week or two later so we can find out the sex of the baby. We decided that if the baby shows us what he/she is then we will know if not then we will be surprised. My midwife did make a comment that some people say if you have tons of morning sickness they normally say you are having a girl and I told her that I sure hope so because I am hoping for a girl. I am already telling the boys that we are hoping to have a baby girl because I want it so bad but I will be happy if we have another boy too.

I am sorry this post is incredibly long. I started with the intention of giving just a quick update and then I went and spilled my emotions to you. Please just pray for this area for me and that I remain in good spirits for the sake of everyone in my house. Love you all.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Garage is finally clean!

I am so happy to announce that finally we cleaned out the garage. This has been a chore that we have been putting off for some time now. Alex had Monday and Tuesday off since he worked this weekend and we spend all day Monday cleaning the garage out so I could park in there for the winter. One thing we do not like is to have our car out of our garage during the snowy season if it can be avoided because it takes so much time to shovel driveways that we didn't want to have to shovel out a car on top of all of it. Plus it helps that I don't have to get in and out of the car on ice which limits how much times I will actually fall this season. Haha. We dreaded doing the cleaning but now we are very happy because it was something that needed to be done.
