Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quick Update

The month of August has come and gone for us. We were on vacation for three weeks of this month and just got back Sunday early morning (4am). We spent the day resting and doing laundry and then Monday got on our normal routines for now. Monday I started homeschooling Isaiah so we have developed new schedules around this new development. We started off with the intention of only doing Preschool with him but in most areas he has far exceeded the expectation that is involved so we are throwing a few different things into the midst. I have since ordered a Kindergarten curriculum and we will be adding a few kindergarten things for him to learn. We are still doing majority Preschool things but my focus is mainly on learning Spanish versions of words like the alphabet, colors, and shapes. We are also working on building his hand muscles so a lot of our day is using scissors, glue sticks, crayons and pencils. All of this to train his hand muscles to do bigger boy things. He is doing so well and within 2 days he is already reciting scripture. We are so excited. We are focusing on how God created the world and yesterday he quoted Genesis 1:1. I know such a simple verse but such a huge accomplishment for a 3 1/2 year old. Needless to say that the grandparents are super excited. They can't wait to see this homeschooling business into action for their own eyes. They will be able to see it soon now that we finally got orders.

So that leads me to the new things in our life. We learned in late July we were going to be moving to Pennsylvania. The funny thing is it is the same place we visited over the Fourth of July weekend. So we are moving 8 hours south of us. The thing is that my husband is being sent to Fort Worth first to learn the new airplane he will be working on. He will be sent to Fort Worth for 70 days in January so we are debating on packing our stuff up in December and having it placed in storage until he is done with school and we can move to PA when he is ready. In the mean time he will be living in a bachelors quarters while in Fort Worth so we (the kids and I) are more than likely going to be moving back to Corpus and try to arrange it to see Alex on the weekends or something. We are still talking out logistics but that is where we stand as of now. We are so excited about this new venture for us. Once we finally move to Pennsylvania we will only be there less than a year and then we are off to New Jersey if my husband stays in the military. He only has a year or so left so we may only see PA but NJ is a big possibility for us. We are excited anyways because we know that the Lord will guide us in every move we make.

So now that I have gotten a late start on the day I need to feed all the kids and then begin school before my dentist appointment. This week has definitely been busy but it is a nice busy and I can't wait to see how the school year will bring much more joy to our house.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Benavides Vacation

Our family vacation started yesterday after Alex got off work or should I say when I stopped working. I didn't want a total train wreck when I got home so I managed to have the upstairs completely spotless and the downstairs is almost spotless but Alex made me stop working because he said I was due a vacation. He is such a wonderful husband.

So we got on the road around 3ish because I just never made it to the store for a few items. We were able to make it at least 3 hours in our drive to Texas before we decided to pull over. It was a good thing we pulled over when we did. Nathanael was so cranky. Nathanael spent a good portion of Saturday night in the ER because his ear was three to four times the normal size. I was nursing Naomi on the couch and my sons pulled their little red chairs in front of me so they could watch their little movie and from behind I noticed Nathanael's ear. To me it looked very red and a little swollen. I mentioned it to Alex but he kind of brushed me off because he was busy loading the car. Later when he finally settled down for the night I mentioned it again and he noticed it too but by this time it was bigger. We weren't sure what it was so I told Alex to take him while I stayed behind with the other ones because I didn't want to take everyone there. Turned out it was only a black fly bite but his ear is still huge. That incident paired up with a lack of a nap made him very cranky so we pulled over early. After eating dinner we decided to take the kids to the pool because they love swimming and after all it is their vacation too. We had such a blast and when we said it was time to go the kids were more than eager to listen and get ready to go too. After they bathed they knocked out and they are still sleeping.

Today we are going to try to make up some ground and our goal is to end up in Virginia tonight. Hopefully it happens but we are not in a hurry to get anywhere. We are just enjoying the time as a family. Please keep us in prayer this month as we travel here and there. Hope you have a blessed day.
