Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Potty Training Update

I am so happy to announce that Isaiah is officially wearing only underwear during the day and he does a pretty good job of telling me when he has to go to the potty. I usually tell him when to go to the potty but he just goes and he tells me when he is done. He has occassional accidents here and there but once it happens he tells me right away. I am so proud of him. We are down to wearing pull ups only at night time now because it is still too soon to be sleeping in underwear. I just thought I would share my happy news with you as well.



Last week was so crazy with appointments. I have come to realize that my life mostly consists of appointments now. Last Monday we had a year check up for Nathanael but because we were in Texas for so long he was seen at nearly 14 months. He was to get shots but he had begun to get sick a few days before that we ended up having to treat him with a nebulizer for bronchilitis or something to that nature. The doctor basically explained that what should have been a common cold decided to rest in his lungs which was causing wheezing. This only concerned the doctor because we haven't even hit winter yet and this was showing him that there is a good possibility that we may need to treat his breathing when he starts wheezing with this contraption every time he gets a cold. It cleared up though and he is doing fine. We went back in to the doctor so we can get his shots and then made his appointment for next month since he will be 15 months and needs to go back in for more shots. I am sure we can schedule flu shots around the same time.

So on the same day since I have no where else to leave my child, Isaiah was with us and the topic came up of how he tends to mimic Nathanael. This concerns me only because when Nathanael is around he will not talk very much and I am afraid that when this new baby comes he will revert again because he feels that is the way get attention. When Nathanael is napping and it is just us he talks up a storm but he is a bit lazy when it comes to speech so we have been working on that. The doctor recommended doing an evaluation to see how he has progressed over the past couple of years. We had an appointment scheduled for today but that appointment has been postponed until next Tuesday. He has begun talking even more now which is hilarious to me. We will just see what they say but in all honesty I am not very concerned with him I just fear a little of the set back he may experience with a new child.

Tuesday was fun again as there was another appointment scheduled so we can get some WIC checks. I was thrilled when they moved my appointment up a month early so I can get some milk. This appointment usually takes about 15-30 minutes long but since it was a re certification and then I was getting put back on WIC for the pregnancy it took a little over an hour. That was challenging but it helped that Nathanael was seen the day before so I just gave the measurements from the day before to them and they only needed to focus on Isaiah and myself. I am glad that these appointments only come every 2 months.

On Friday was the day we were excited about the most because we thought we would be able to hear the baby's heartbeat but since it was the first appointment with my midwife we just basically went over what I wanted as the outcome of the pregnancy and how I expected the delivery to go and so forth. We did find out that we are estimated at being 8 weeks but we are waiting for the phone call for our sonogram appointment. We are doing a sono to get an accurate measure of how far along I am and to make sure the baby is growing properly. Because Nathanael was so small at birth my midwife has decided that we are going to be doing a lot more sonograms to make sure this baby is growing a little bigger than him because he was too small. So here I wait for another appointment.

I had 4 appointments in a matter of 8 days and needless to say I am exhausted.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prayer Requests for this week

This past week was so busy with me trying to get my house in order but I have been so sick lately. This morning sickness bit is absolutely killing me. I had morning sickness with only Isaiah but I do not remember it being this bad so I have not been so happy. Anyways this coming week we have appointments galore and I need all the prayer and strength I can get. Tomorrow Nathanael goes in for his one year check up and yes we are doing this two months late because we were in Texas for so long. Anyways his appointment could not have come at a better time because both of the boys started getting sick yesterday. Isaiah has had diarrhea and Nathanael has started with a runny nose and coughing today. They feel a little on the warm side but nothing that really makes us feel that it is serious enough to take them in now. So tomorrow morning we have his appointment which I am sure will come with shots so that is never fun for me to hear the cries of my baby. Tuesday we have our WIC appointment which I am so happy about because we have not been able to get checks for over 2 months and that is putting a little bind on us financially because of the price of everything but we are grateful that the Lord has provided more than enough for us. Friday is my appointment with my midwife and hopefully she will be able to give us some idea of how far along I am and some remedies of morning sickness. I am open to any ideas anyone else has. Other than my busy schedule this week I ask for prayer just to make it to the next day without being a grouch.

I do have some positive news to report. Isaiah has officially started the potty training business again this past week and I am so proud of him because he is not throwing the tantrums he used to throw when I asked him to go and sit on the potty. He even had 4 successful attempts yesterday. Today was a little challenge because we had church and we were not able to stay on top of asking him to use the potty so I feel like we went a little backward but I am hoping that the rest of the week will be easier because I will be with him all day and we should only be out of our house for appointments for no more than 2 hours.

I hope the rest of you are doing well. We would love to hear updates on all of your families.


Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I wasn't really ready to announce this again but we found out on the 1st that we are expecting again. Yes, I am still in shock about this because I just stopped with the contraceptive we were using because it was making me too sick all the time and I dealt with being sick for a year. Before going to Texas we decided to have my IUD removed but faced some fear when I was told that they were unable to find it so I went in for a sonogram and they were able to locate it and at that moment I was not pregnant. We left to Texas and I stayed for a month but I got real sick not relating to pregnancy and then when I finally got over it I noticed I was really nauseated so on the 1st I took a pregnancy test thinking there is no way I am pregnant because we had been too busy with visiting family and the funeral of my uncle for us to even have time to make a baby. Well I guess I was wrong and just for the record it only takes one time to get pregnant. Who would have known that? Well I should, right? Anyways the reason for me announcing it now is because I have been in so much pain for the past week and a half. I am assuming it is because of all the traveling that has messed up my stomach but it hurts so bad. Last night my stomach hurt so bad that I was really swollen and it almost looked like I was about seven months along which is impossible because I am still in the first trimester. I was up for a long time because the pain was so strong. Finally it passed and I was able to get back to sleep. The swelling in my stomach has gone down tremendously but my stomach hurts a lot still. I am going to try and take TUMS or something like that and if it doesn't resolve my problem I am going to have to go in and find out what the problem is. Please pray for me and this unborn child.


P.S. I am not really sure how far along I am but we are assuming anywhere from 5-7 weeks and by the look of everything this baby should be here by early May but nothing has been confirmed because I have not been able to see my midwife which is why we never made a formal announcement of this pregnancy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally Home

After many hours on the road we finally pulled into my driveway around 3:30am today. I am so excited to be home and can't wait to get back to our normal routine although I am not so sure what that will be anymore. I need to develop some schedule soon so the kids will not be so crazy for me later on. I just wanted to thank all of those that keep us in prayers. Hope you are all doing well.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Excited yet sad

It is hard for me today because I am in the process of washing clothes so I can pack up our things. A part of me is thrilled that I will be seeing my husband by Tuesday of next week but I am also sad because I do not want to leave my families behind. I have been an emotional wreck this whole week but it is hitting me more so today that I really miss having our families in our every day lives. I just need prayer to have a peace over all of these emotions I am feeling.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can't wait to be home!!!!

It is hard to believe that a month has come and gone and my visit to Texas is now almost over. I am now counting down the days when I will get on the road again and be reunited with Alex. I miss him terribly. I have enjoyed my time with our families but there is nothing like being with the one you love. This week has been busy for both of us. Alex has been studying very hard so he can sit for his first class exam tomorrow while starting a new week of classes and having duty this whole week. I have been enjoying the last week with my parents and Alex's parents. I know Isaiah and Nathanael will be upset when we leave because they have grown very fond of both Grandmas and Grandpas but I am positive that they will be excited to see daddy too. They miss him so much as well. So my prayer requests this week are that we have a safe travel home and that Alex does well on his first class exam. I will say that we are hoping for him to become a first class because that means a raise and a raise we surely can use. Other than that pray that I enjoy what is left of my vacation and that I will be refreshed when I get back home. We should be back in December because my sister graduates so if I am unable to see some of you that I didn't get a chance to see on this visit, hopefully, we can see you on our next visit.