Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer has begun

This week has been fun as we are all shaking off the sick bug. We have enjoyed getting to go outside a little more than usual. The weather hasn't been too good to us up here so when it is a nice day out we let the kids take the bikes out in the front and play with the other neighborhood kids.

Naomi turned six weeks yesterday and we are so grateful that we have been able to get to this milestone. She is growing big and strong. She eats all the time and is so cute with her chubby cheeks. I will have to post newer pictures soon. They get big so fast...don't they?

Well we are looking forward to this weekend because we are going to try to be outside more this weekend and try to just rest a little. Last night was a rough night because Naomi thought it would be fun to wake up at 2:30 in the morning and just stay awake until 4 am. She didn't cry much but she did move and kick and coo which kept me up. I am ready for a nap and I think this weekend will be just nice to just do nothing.

Well I hope you are having a good day. Be blessed.


Friday, June 12, 2009

What a week

This has been a very stressful week for me because I have been sick and it was the first week that I have had the kids all day long by myself. Saturday night I started feeling my throat hurt and told Alex but we thought nothing of it until Sunday when I woke up and I was feeling worse. We rested the majority of Sunday because I was not up to par. Sunday I went to bed with a mild fever but when Monday rolled around I had a fever of a 101.4 and Alex felt terrible because he had duty and this was the first time he was going to be at work since May 5th. The kids waking up at 5:30 that morning didn't really help the situation but the cutest thing happened that morning. Keep in mind the boys just got their daddy home and spent 5 days with him so they are not wanting to see him leave. That morning Isaiah says "Daddy, where are you going?" Alex responds, "I am going to work." Isaiah says, "You go work daddy?" Alex says, "Yes baby, daddy is going to make some money so we can be able to play together later." Isaiah sits and thinks about what his daddy has just told him and then he spots a penny on the table and smiles. He grabs the penny and runs to Alex and says, "Daddy here I make money for you." Alex carries that penny around now. Needless to say he didn't want to leave him that morning but the transition ended up going pretty well.

Tuesday I continued to run a fever and that night Isaiah came to our bed around 11:30 pm crying and when he crawled into bed I could feel the heat from his body. He slept with us and the next morning he was extremely hot. I noticed he had trouble swallowing so I scheduled an appointment for him with the pediatrician and they told us that he just has the same virus I had and it just needs to run its course. Wednesday night Naomi started with the coughing and then Thursday morning Nathanael started with a runny nose. Everyone is running a mild fever now including me but I am hoping we can get this junk out of our systems soon. The weather over here hasn't helped the situation because it is cold and rainy. I want to air out our house but it gets too cold too fast so I am hoping we will have a sunny day soon so we can go outside and get some fresh air.

We are excited it is Friday and that we have completed the first week of getting back to normal. This week was a bit rougher because of the sickness but it also was a little nice to get used to the intimacy of our little family. I must admit getting back into the swing of things has been a little harder that I expected but as I have felt better I have noticed I can get a good hour to hour and a half worth of cleaning in the morning and then another two to three hours in the afternoon when everyone is napping. I am sure we will develop a system soon. I hope everyone has a good week.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Exciting Days

This week has been very exciting for us. Tuesday my sister flew home to Texas and Alex flew in to Maine. We were all set to leave the house because I had to take her to Manchester, New Hampshire so she can fly out when my phone rang. I saw that it was someone from Alex's command so I answered the phone only to hear what are you thinking? I was confused by this and said what? Well it turned out to be a friend of ours and he told me that I was absolutely insane to go to Manchester because I really needed to be resting. He offered to take my sister for me and to pick up Alex because his flight was coming in around midnight. I took him up on picking up Alex for sure but told him I would have to call back about my sister. A few minutes later I called back and asked if he happened to have his minivan with him and turned out he did so he was able to take all of us and I had someone to drive me there. It was such a blessing.

Keep in mind that when I woke up Tuesday morning I was dreading this day because I knew it was going to be a long day and I just kept telling myself I was going to be glad when the day was done. So the Lord completely blessed me with Derek and his help and it was great because my kids absolutely love him. On the way home from Manchester I got another phone call from a friend of mine from church and she said she had made an excess of dinner and would love to bring us dinner that evening. I was so excited because this was another thought in my head wondering what I would do about dinner that evening. She made us some homemade macaroni and cookies for dinner. We got home from Manchester around 5:15 and an hour later we had dinner. Isn't God so great?

The rest of the evening went smoothly and I let the kids wait up for their daddy to come home but I knew they wouldn't make it. My intention was to let them stay up late so they can sleep in the next day which worked out in my favor. Nathanael lasted until 10:30 and Isaiah lasted until 11:00 but Alex didn't come home until nearly 1 am the next morning. They slept until about 9:30 so that was nice.

We took Naomi to the doctor yesterday for her one month check up even though it is a few days early but she is doing wonderful. She is now weighing 8 pounds and that puts her in the 20th percentile for weight. She is now 20 1/2 inches long and that puts her in the 33rd percentile and her head is now 14 inches which puts her in the 19th percentile for her head growth. We were just glad to see her on the growth chart because the boys were never on the growth chart.

After her shots she was exhausted so we decided to go to the park on Main street and let the boys run around and get some energy out as she slept. We enjoyed a sunny day out with the boys and then came home only to lose power just as we were about to make dinner. We waited around and finally decided to go and get something to eat since we didn't know how long power was going to be out and just as Alex was about to leave the power went back on so I made dinner and got everyone fed and about an hour later we lost power again. We went again without power for another hour or two but we were so grateful that we had power long enough to make dinner so we didn't have to spend any money. We ended our evening playing cards in the candlelight.

The past two days have been filled with much to do but the Lord has completely blessed us and I am so grateful.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Photo Update

I have finally uploaded the last two rolls of film I have developed and I took two more rolls of film to be developed yesterday but here are all the pictures I have up to date. These pictures are from October 2008 - May 2009.

Nathanael was our fireman because Isaiah was the fireman the year before.

Isaiah was Bob the tomato.

Bob the tomato and the fireman in their wagon.

The boys playing the piano at our friend's house after trick or treating.
Resting at the house after a busy evening.
My brother and I at my sister's graduation in December.
Nathanael's baby dedication just before Christmas.
Playing in the snow in late January and early February.
Nathanael getting his balance on the sled.
Isaiah waiting to get going again. He never wants to come in when we are out playing in the snow.
My anniversary gift this year. It is funny because I was originally going to get this for Alex since the traditional gift for us this year was either flowers or fruit and he ended up getting it for me but he ate it too so we ended up getting the best of both. I ended up taking him to a nice restaurant of his choice.
This is what the bouquet looked like after removing the wrapper.
Just celebrated 4 years of marriage.
Nathanael is Easter egg hunting at the base chapel.
Isaiah is interested in playing with the eggs and taking it to the pretend kitchen.
Isaiah is helping his brother collect his ten eggs.
Naomi Annette in one of her first pictures. She loves to be curled up like this. She is barely starting to stretch those long legs of hers.
Isn't she so precious just resting so peacefully.
Well there are more pictures but those are some pictures to catch you up on our life. I have told you most of our stories of what we have been up to but I have not been very good at posting pictures like I promised so here is the start. I will post more pics of the kids as I get the chance. Hope you all enjoy.