Friday, February 27, 2009

I can't believe it is Friday

Wow how fast another week has flown by. It feels like yesterday we just started the week and now we are about to start our weekend. I am excited about this weekend but then again I am not because it happens to be payday weekend. Paydays are really dreaded days to me because even though you get paid for the work you worked so hard to get it seems like the majority of the income goes away just as fast as you get it. The first paycheck of the month is always fun because it seems like everything is due then so we have come up with this system of just saying there is not any money so we don't overspend. Haha. Please don't get me wrong...I am not saying we are broke but we just take on the saying live like no other so you can live like no other in the future. The Lord has completely blessed us and taken care of us in so many ways that I am just in awe. We just choose to put the majority of our paycheck in our savings so we can meet our goal of saving a years worth of salary so when Alex does get out of the military we are not stressed on how we will make the next month and so forth until he gets another job. Sometimes I just wish we could have an extravagant weekend with no know? I think we will be having one of those weekends soon since our anniversary is at the end of next month but then again we may just wait until after the baby is here. Alex says I need to be on bed rest because he is afraid of me going into labor too early. I don't know why we have this fear for this pregnancy...we both have been acting like it is our first pregnancy all over again. I think it is because we realize the other stress that already comes with having children that are as young as mine is a little more than we anticipated. I tell Alex I am fine and when I feel like I am done for the day I just kick up my feet and relax because there is nothing else I can do. I am learning how to knit. I started a scarf on Valentine's Day weekend but I only do it for like an hour a day so needless to say I take forever. Hopefully I will be done soon and I can show you the end product. I just decided it would be fun to teach myself how to knit so this has been a fun and frustrating process. I can't wait to see the end result.

So I hope everyone has a good day and weekend. I know we will. I think we may end up taking the kids bowling and definitely buying a toy chest this weekend because little baskets aren't cutting it. I need something that closes and hides the toys out of the sight of the kids all day long. They put them away in baskets but when they get bored they run to these baskets and see toys and decide to dump them all over the floor again which defeats my one toy at a time rule. Be blessed.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Another snow day

Well we have definitely been busy and it has been pretty rough because I have been sick off and on this week. My body keeps fighting the fight to not get sick but there are days when I am so weak that I just have to give in and not do anything. Yesterday was one of those days. I had migraines and I couldn't stand the sight of the light because it would cause me to go dizzy. I think it was a mixture of my low blood pressure and sinus pressure. Needless to say I was so upset that I didn't get to join my family at church but I must admit it was a little nice to have a break from anyone being in the house because I got to rest which was needed.

So even though I was sick I was bummed because why would I get sick on a day that I could spend with my hubby with no distractions? Well later in the evening we finally got that snow storm we were expecting at noon and it was definitely snowing. The snow was heavy and wet so it stays on trees which causes power outages for the most part. Praise the Lord we only lost power for a second at 3 in the morning and the power was right back on but there are about 21,000 homes that are without power in the city of Brunswick as of this morning. Well this snow storm also gave me another blessing. My husband's work day was cancelled so he gets to be with my on a good day. Today we have been up since 6:30 am thanks to the kids but we have gotten a lot accomplished. Our downstairs is almost entirely clean and now I am typing a little note while my poor hubby is shoveling the mountain we have in our driveway. I am still unsure how much snow we got but the news said some areas got more than 1 feet and some got near 2 feet. I just know we got a lot of snow.

I am now heading outside to take pictures of the beautiful white snowy background I have that is considered my neighborhood. It is so beautiful. I think I will keep Alex company for a little and then head inside to make some hot chocolate because it is a nice day for it. After all it is still snowing and we should have snow showers until the evening but we are trying to get rid of some of it because like I said it is heavy snow and that is the worst to work with. I pray you are all having a good day. I will try to get online later and post some pictures that I take.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby Update

This morning I had my glucose screening and shortly afterward we saw our midwife. We were excited to learn that our baby is growing very well. She is measuring at 29 weeks which is right on target and according to her sonogram from the last visit she is growing in the 46th percentile. She is showing all signs to being our biggest baby yet. We are very excited. We were booked out through 37 weeks for our appointments which is basically every two weeks from here until 36 weeks and then we go to every week. My midwife said she thinks baby girl here will come a little early so she only booked me through 37 weeks so we can see where we need to go from there. If she hasn't arrived by 37 weeks then I will just go in every week until she does come. Needless to say it makes me nervous that we have as little as 9 weeks and as much as 12 weeks before she makes her appearance but at the same time we are so happy. Alex can not wait to have her here. He tells me all the time he can't wait for his little girl to be here and he was super excited when the midwife said she could come as early as late April. April 21, 2009 is when I will be considered full term at 37 weeks so if we can make it to that date if not longer then we will be in good shape.

Pray that my blood work comes back in perfect condition and that our baby girl continues to grow as we are preparing our hearts and home for her.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

We are extremely happy with life

These past few weeks are so busy yet we are so content. We have had many things come up that could discourage us and I will be honest for a short time we were discouraged but now we are so content and we know things will work out. So many things have happened that we decided we would try to recap. Last time we blogged was about 2 weeks ago and we shared we had seen our midwife and the baby was growing good.

Last Friday we were able to see our baby at the sonogram and she is most definitely a girl which was a huge relief for me because we had already bought her bedding and I have already washed it and everything. I don't know the theme for her bedding but we got it at the NEX because it was half off. We were just excited to get away with purchasing a ten piece bedding set for only 39.99 literally since we aren't charged taxes at the NEX. At the sonogram she was weighing in at 2 pounds 2 ounces so we were very happy because she is weighing a little more than average but that is a good thing because it shows she is getting bigger. I will post those pictures as soon as I get the scanner back near the computer.

Alex had to work that same weekend so he had Monday and Tuesday off of this week and we had time to pray about some possible terrifying news. He was told a week prior that because of the new regulations he had fallen into a category where he had to put in a package in order to stay in the military. (Although they don't say it right out the military is downsizing) That would have been fine for us considering we were praying about getting out altogether but we learned that we were going to have to put in for this package in order for us to get orders to move in December. This upset us because we are one month shy of trying to even put in for orders. Anyways so basically this is the conclusion we have come up with...Alex met with the Career Board on Friday the 13th and they discussed the options. Alex will be putting in the package at the end of the month and from there the military will decide if he will be kept as his original job or if he can maybe do something else. If neither happens then we will be leaving the military altogether after he fulfills his obligations. We figured this is an answer to prayer because if we are told there is no room for him then it is obvious we are supposed to get out but if they allow him to stay in I think we are going to try to stay for a few more years in order for us to get prepared for our next move after the military. I know this is confusing because it is confusing for us but we are at peace about the situation. Hopefully we will know something within the next few months or so.

Valentine's Day was so wonderful. We spent our day just relaxing and watching movies. I sent Alex on a scavenger hunt around the house in order to find various love notes from me. He said at the end of the day he enjoyed it very much and felt extremely loved. Alex made me the sweetest card and he made us dinner and did the majority of the work with the kids so I could just relax. We had decided beforehand we would not spend any money on each other but we could show our love in other ways so at the end of the day every deed that was performed showed how much effort was put into the thought.

This week will be busy. Monday, Alex will be off because of the holiday but on Tuesday morning we will go in for lab work for my glucose screening that needs to be performed on me and then straight to the midwife. I can’t believe that we are in the third trimester already and we are seeing our midwife every two weeks. We are both anxious to see our little girl and can’t wait for her to be apart of our family.

Well we are going to enjoy this Sunday since it is nice and sunny outside reaching the mid thirties so we may enjoy the weather a bit. When the wind isn’t blowing it doesn’t feel that bad in that weather so we enjoy the days we get to go outside. We may go to stores to see what we can get for our baby and maybe something for ourselves because there is a list of things we need for just ourselves. We hope you have a wonderful day and look forward to catching up with all of you.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where does the week go?

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted and I am remembering posting only 2 days ago. Well I am so excited to say that on Monday I had a visit with my midwife and the baby is growing great. I finally put on 3 pounds but I look like I have put on 40 I swear ask my husband. I told the midwife I think this baby is going to be huge because I am so big and I have no room left for her to grow. I even had the pediatrician ask me if we were sure there was only one and I told him yes and he was just shocked because he didn't remember me getting so big so early on when I was pregnant with Nathanael. We will be having another ultrasound on Friday to measure where she is as far as growth. The midwife is concerned that once she gets to 5 pounds or so that my body may automatically consider her full term and start the delivery process so she is keeping an eye on me. She says it is probably a good thing that you are pregnant with this child during the winter because it limits how much you can go out and about so I know you won't overdue it. I guess that is true but I must admit I am longing for the warmer weather some days because my poor boys are getting restless. They need to get some energy out and I just don't know how to fix this problem just yet. I don't want them on the icy snow all the time. Anyone have any ideas? I am completely open to these ideas because I think I am all out of ideas. I need to start looking for some more free stuff to do. During the other seasons we are able to go apple picking, pumpkin picking, strawberry picking, to the park but we are very limited during the winter. They are just too small to do most things.

Well on Friday I will get to see my little girl and I hope they were right about her being a girl because we have been calling her a girl for almost 2 months now. We also have moved to seeing the midwife every 2 weeks which scared us a little because we realized that we are seeing the midwife more often which means that she is going to be here before we know it. I am still amazed that we just started 2009 and we are already in February. Well I hope you have a great day.
