Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Exciting news

This weekend Alex's parents made the most generous offer. This offer was one we could not pass up. As most of you know Alex is going on a month long deployment. We considered having me go down to Texas with the kids so they would not have to be focused on the fact that he is not around. There are some days that my N children cry when he walks out the door because he has been working ridiculous hours. Anyways we ended up deciding we could not go home because our money is extremely strapped because we are trying to sell our townhouse in Texas and until we do so we are making two house payments along with making repairs to the townhouse and just making ends meet from paycheck to paycheck. We literally have burned through our savings these past couple of months so we have told both of our parents that we would not be able to make it home until the house sold or we came into some kind of money (and yes this even means Christmas). Anyways I share this information with you so you can understand how blessed we are. Although I really wanted to go home I had come to peace with knowing I would be here by myself for the first time with 3 kids in a place I am still not that comfortable with. Just as I came to this peace, my in-laws shared that they really want for us to come and they decided they wanted to come up here and pick us up and take us back to Texas for the month and when Alex gets back they will be more than happy to bring us back. How exciting is that? Needless to say we were excited and the kids are excited knowing that they will be seeing their grandparents soon.

Maybe we can catch up with some of you guys when we are down there. If you are interested in meeting up send me an email and I can let you know specific dates that we will be in town.

In Christ,



Charity said...

how wonderful! that is great, Aleida :)

Anonymous said...

Cool :)

Will & Abby's Life said...

Awesome! Let me know if y'all need a place to stay in Houston on your way down. Your inlaws are welcome to stay too, we have plenty of room.

Beni Fam said...

Thanks Abby for the offer. I am still unsure of the exact plans but I will definitely keep you in mind if we need it. You are sweet!